This is the next article in the Chakra series, and it’s all about the Heart Chakra.
The heart chakra, or
Anahata, is the fourth of the seven main chakras. It is the center of unconditional love.
It is responsible for the administration of:
* the circulatory system, including the heart
* the respiratory system
* the arms and hands
* shoulders
* ribs and breasts
* diaphragm
* thymus gland
Many emotions, such as love, hatred, grief, joy, jealousy, fear of
betrayal, feelings of isolation and loneliness and the ability to make
ourselves feel better are all centered in the heart chakra.
Functions of the Heart Chakra
Physical health
The heart chakra governs the lungs, heart, blood circulation – it
controls the essential life forces that are vital for the human life.
The heart chakra is also associated with the thymus gland which plays a
role in producing T-cells that are essential for a healthy immune

The Seven Main Chakras
When the heart chakra is blocked, you will face health issues such as
lung or breathing difficulties, high blood pressure, lung diseases, breast
cancer, etc.
Love and other emotions
In order to maintain a healthy heart chakra, you must learn to love
yourself and others around you. Do not complain about things around you
and what you do not have. Instead, enjoy and appreciate the things that
you already have. Life is a wonderful thing.
Remember the Reiki percept that says “
I’m grateful for my many blessings.”
Situations which might cause emotional distress such as divorce,
separation, isolation, abandonment, grief caused due to death, or
emotional abuse can seriously damages the heart chakra. If the heart
chakra loses balance one becomes prone to many illnesses and may also
suffer from emotional conditions. Unfavorable outcomes to such
situations include feeling lonely, betrayed, being defensive,
controlling, paranoid and possessive.
Healing the Heart Chakra
Here are some things which help in healing and balancing the heart chakra.
The heart chakra is associated with the color green. Enjoy and appreciate nature, and don’t harm it.

The Heart Chakra Symbol
Visualize a strong green flame or light engulfing your heart towards
its center. While inhaling imagine a soft green light filling up your
heart and your body. Visualize that you are removing negative energy out
of your body while exhaling. Do not put too much effort while exhaling,
stay focused on inhaling.
In order to maintain a balanced heart chakra, it is always a good
idea to practice yoga. If your heart chakra is blocked, it’s likely that
your throat chakra is blocked too. The camel pose works well for both
chakras to balance them up. To execute the camel chakra focus on
extending your lower back while concentrating on stretching and opening
your upper back. Your yoga teacher can give you more information and
Forgive and forget
Some say that the best solution to maintain a balanced heart chakra is to forgive yourself and others. It is always best to
let go
of the past and focus on the present moment and the many things you can
be grateful for right now, also looking forward just a bit, to a better
future. If you keep rewinding in your mind past situations that trouble
you, you will continue feeling frustrated, angry, lonely or betrayed.
Counseling, or even talking to a friend, might help.
Also, the
Sedona Method is a very efficient way to learn to let go.
Exercise is good for a healthy heart. If you think vigorous
exercising routines are too difficult for you or if you feel that you do
not have time for exercise then it will help to set up small goals like
taking the stairs or walking to the market nearby instead of taking a
Essential oils
Rose oil
is an excellent heart healer and is commonly used to fight against
depression. Using rose oil can develop positive thoughts and can fill
you up with spirit. You will be more optimistic and happy.
Clary sage is also good at combating depression. It is also a nerve
tonic and is extremely relaxing to have an aromatherapy with
Clary sage.
Reiki and the Heart Chakra
Reiki is one of the most effective ways of healing and balancing the
heart chakra. Reiki practitioners might have their own technique for
balancing the heart chakra, below is one of the methods that many find
- Relax comfortably
- Place your hands lightly on your chest in the heart area
- Welcome the flow of energy into your heart, and be open to healing, for the highest good
- Let your intuition guide you and use the symbols to fine-tune the energy flow
- Visualize green or pink light
The mantra ‘yam’ can be used to assist. Gemstones can also be used.
Gemstones such as emerald, Kunzite, green jade, rose quartz and pink
tourmaline can be used to help clear the heart chakra. These gemstones
can be placed at the heart while performing Reiki and can used for
longer periods of time. If you’re into aromatherapy, use
Rose essence.
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