American Taiji Reiki,

Subjected to the increasing and sustained daily stress of modern life in an increasingly toxic environment, while living longer than our ancestors, the number of people suffering from asthma, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cataracts and other conditions of dis-ease that increase with age and time. Being a self-healing holistic therapy technique American Taiji Reiki, a combination of Tai Chi, Qigong and Reiki, treats all of the above mentioned conditions and more all at the same time. This new approach combines Qigong, Tai Chi and Reiki into a single unique and holistic life practice that can be and is meant to be used at any time anywhere and everywhere in life.




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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All about the Brow Chakra (Third Eye): Healing the Brow Chakra with Reiki

The Brow (Third Eye) Chakra Symbol

All about the Brow Chakra (Third Eye): Healing the Brow Chakra with Reiki

Situated between the eyes, the brow or third eye chakra deals with intelligence and psychic power according to Hindu tradition.

It is the seat of psychic vision and has been known as Ajna by Hindu practitioners for thousands of years.

Physically, it is located between the two eyebrows and is often symbolized by the symbol for the syllable OM with a petal on both sides each. The associated colors are indigo, deep blue, and sometimes violet.

Hormones are responsible for the body’s functions. They are associated with many aspects of our body which includes physical aspects and mental or emotional aspects as well. Modern day practitioners like to relate chakras with the endocrine system of the body which is responsible for the release of hormones that regulate many functions including growth and maturation, metabolism, tissue function and also mood.

Functions of the Brow (Third Eye) Chakra


Physical Health

The third eye chakra governs the pineal gland, nose, eyes, ears and also the skeletal system. It is related to the senses of sight and hearing, and to your ability to perceive and form your own opinions about what you see and how you live.

The Seven Main Chakras

The Seven Main Chakras

This chakra plays an important role in making you see things clearly, not only physically, but also morally, and even intuitively.

Formation of dreams

The pineal gland’s main function is to secrete a hormone called melatonin which plays a role in regulating your sleep cycle, regulating growth, slowing down aging and also maintaining a stable mind. The pineal gland is light-sensitive, therefore scientists have determined that the eyes stimulate the pineal gland into releasing melatonin. Many scientists have also revealed that the earth’s electromagnetic field is responsible for stimulating the gland.


As it governs your eyes, the function of physical vision and is related to this chakra, as well as psychic and intuitive abilities.

Mental and spiritual health

The third eye chakra plays a role in governing alertness, as well as your ability to see things clearly and predict things, to be optimistic and visualize outcomes that you desire. This chakra is responsible for creating your realities and being able to form perceptions about reality. When this chakra is in balance, you will be able to visualize easily and your memory and ability to reason become sharp. You will trust yourself and be able to form and rely on your intuitions. You will instantly come to help someone without their request for help.

An imbalance in this chakra however, can cause you trouble in understanding reality and creating your own reality. You may rely too much on fate or luck and blame them if something wrong happens. Headaches / migraines will cause you trouble, and there will be a constant feeling of anxiousness. You will worry about social behaviors and you may also want to dominate or control others as well. All of these are signs of a blocked third eye chakra.

How to Clear Your Third Eye Chakra

In order to unblock this chakra, practice tolerance and love. Appreciate yourself for all the things that you do and practice self-love. Trying to focus your mind into thinking how much life has to offer and how good it is to you can help you get rid of many psychological and physical problems.
The Brow (Third Eye) Chakra Symbol
The Brow (Third Eye) Chakra Symbol

Meditating near large bodies of water such as an ocean or a lake can help you enhance your intuition and develop your third eye chakra. Indigo blue is associated with this chakra so visualize large pools of water if it is too difficult for you to physically get to a body of water. You can also look at the sky at night.
Help yourself with your own perception and expand your level of understanding. Allow others to understand your true nature.

Using Reiki to unblock the brow chakra

As always, Reiki practitioners each have their own way of working with this chakra. The following are the steps of the Reiki process in order to clear your throat chakra that some Reiki Masters recommend:
  1. Relax comfortably
  2. Enable the flow of Reiki
  3. Place your hands above your eyes and forehead.
  4. Move in a circular motion. Some recommend clockwise circulation for females and anticlockwise for males – but let your intuition guide you and see what works best for you.
Several other methods can be used as well. For mantra healing, Ksham is effective. The vibration developed by this sound will open up energies in your chakra.

Aromatherapy can also be used with aromas of mint and jasmine to clear the chakra.

For gemstone healing, indigo sapphire and azurite, as well as other indigo stones, can be used.


  1. For mantra healing, Ksham is effective. The vibration developed by this sound will open up energies in your chakra.

  2. Here in the center where the optic nerve or optic thalamus cross each other like this. In the center is a very subtle point which moves both the sides like this and like that and it creates two sounds: ‘Ham Ksham’, ‘Ham Ksham’, ‘Ham Ksham’. Ham is on the right hand side where you have seen the Superego is there and Ksham is on the left hand side (on the head) where the Ego is. Now these two sounds create two kinds of vibrations. The Ham sound creates the vibrations, which make you think, ‘I am, I am. Ham, I am.’ This comes from our Existence Power that we know we have to live in this world, we’re not going to die. Any human being who tries to kill himself is abnormal. Normally every human being, why every animal or any living thing tries to retain its life. That is through this power of Ham that: ‘I am’… the Superego… The Ego Ksham. But now I’ll tell you about the right hand side Superego. In this Superego when you are conditioned by so many things, then you are frightened and you are worried because these experiences make you that type of a person which has fear in the mind. And this fear is all settled in your Superego. This starts from your amoeba stage you can say and is still today is being stored there. You are afraid of police, you are afraid of that, you are afraid of this. Some people are not afraid of these things but are afraid of something else. Because whatever have been your conditions, whatever have been your experiences are all put down here.

  3. Continued: Whatever you have read, whatever you have gone through whatever experiences you have had all is in the superego. So this Superego in that this center sends message: ‘I am, you are, you are Ham, Ham don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, you are‘. So the people who come to have seen some people who come to me are victims of superego conditioning and these are the people, actually at this stage only you can really discriminate between the two types. One who are very aggressive, the other who are absolutely we should say subordinated, frightened.. These people when they come to me I have seen, they go on crying and weeping, ‘You know this has happened that has happened‘ and I really get tired talking to them. And there are so many of this kind that really you have to pay attention to them as Sahaja Yogis because you’ll have to deal with them, how to manage them and how to work it out. Now at that time if a Sahaja Yogi says, now you go on saying ‘Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham‘, a Sahaja Yogi if he says then the vibrations will drive out his fear. Even if you are under any fear and you are walking around and you feel that there’s frightened, you just say ‘Ham, Ham, Ham‘. Now with this saying the vibrations will clear out this side very nicely. Apart from that, that is the way you can get help from the Divine by saying Ham. Now there are many things about Ham and Ksham but as the time is you know, so I do not want to go into great details about it. But I would say the mantra for the right hand side (of the head, where is the superego placed) is ‘Ham’ and for the left hand side (of the head, where is the superego placed) is ‘Ksham’.”

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