American Taiji Reiki,

Subjected to the increasing and sustained daily stress of modern life in an increasingly toxic environment, while living longer than our ancestors, the number of people suffering from asthma, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cataracts and other conditions of dis-ease that increase with age and time. Being a self-healing holistic therapy technique American Taiji Reiki, a combination of Tai Chi, Qigong and Reiki, treats all of the above mentioned conditions and more all at the same time. This new approach combines Qigong, Tai Chi and Reiki into a single unique and holistic life practice that can be and is meant to be used at any time anywhere and everywhere in life.




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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All about the Sacral Chakra: Healing the Sacral Chakra with Reiki

The Sacral Chakra Symbol

All about the Sacral Chakra: Healing the Sacral Chakra with Reiki

A few days ago we published an article about the root chakra. This article continues the series.

The sacral chakra or Swadhisthana is the second chakra.

It deals with feelings of sexuality that allow expression of emotions when the chakra is open without being overly emotional or overactive. Emotions are kept in balance and you become more passionate and lively. When the sacral chakra is balanced, you will have no issues dealing with sexuality.

The sacral chakra is situated in the lower abdomen about 1-2 inches below the navel. It controls your sexual organs and reproductive system including ovaries or testes. It also controls the bladder and the kidneys.

Functions of the Sacral Chakra

Physical health

While this chakra is responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive system, its organs and hormones, the energy of the sacral chakra is also responsible for the administration of the lymphatic and circulatory system and the urinary trac. As the sacral chakra mainly deals with purification, the chakra plays a role in removing toxins out of the the body. Some say that the sacral chakra is represented by the spleen in men and uterus in women.

The Seven Main Chakras

The Seven Main Chakras

An imbalance in the sacral chakra can cause many physical issues such as urinary problems, kidney stones, lower back pain, gynecological problem and prostate problems. It is therefore important to keep this chakra in balance to maintain a healthy physical health and stay away from such problems.


The sacral chakra being the ‘seat of emotions’ it’s mainly responsible for producing joy, ambition, love for yourself, healthy relationships and creativity. When this chakra is in balance, you are more comfortable with expressing your emotions and you do not get suppressed by other people’s power. However, if this chakra is blocked or dysfunctional then you will become shy, helpless, and weak.

Since the sacral chakra governs the reproductive system, it also deals with the stimulation of the production of various sexual hormones or hormones that develop pleasure, joy and other emotions.

Basically, your chakra is in balance when you sexual energy and sex drive, and are comfortable with having a sexual relationship with someone and you feel no negative emotions while having sex. You can express your power easily and sex is done for a fair exchange and it’s not weighted on one side only.  You have a blocked sacral chakra when you do not have any sexual desires and try to avoid having sex as much as possible, hence reducing its importance in your life. You do not feel sexual sensations normally and these sexual sensations are often weak and disappointing.

Also, when this chakra is balanced, there is no neediness, no feeling clingy, and therefore no jealousy.

Honor and power

This chakra is responsible for ‘fair exchange’ or having similar ideas with others. When this chakra is balanced, you naturally give and receive love, affection, flirt playfully with no guilt or shame, in a beautiful and natural “dance”. People with a balanced sacral chakra are not afraid of expanding their boundaries, communicating their needs, and are comfortable listening and attending to others’ needs.

You can cause harm to the sacral chakra when you engage in means of taking revenge, expressing too much power and pressure and suppressing someone with your sexual desires.

Healing the Sacral Chakra with Reiki

Reiki practitioners might have their own technique for balancing the sacral chakra, below is just one of the methods that many find effective.

The Sacral Chakra Symbol

The Sacral Chakra Symbol

  1. The Reiki practitioner will place their hands by the patient’s sacrum. Some practitioners unblock the chakra by rotating to the right for females and for males, they rotate to the left – but it’s better to do what feels right for you, or if you’re not certain, just send energy to the area, it will do the right thing :). This can be done on the front or the back of the person. This not only unblocks the area, but is also known to help with reproductive problems and prostate problems.
  2. Some practitioners will associate the blockage with mantras. The first is often the ‘vam’ sound. Others prefer aroma therapy to clear this chakra such as the usage of sandalwood or ylang ylang oil. Gemstones can be used as well to purify the chakra such as carnelian and moonstones.
  3. When the Reiki healing is finished, you will feel that the aura surrounding this chakra will glow orange in its pure state. Many people often tend to sleep for more than eight hours when the chakra is cleared in a fetal position. You may also envision moonlight and clear water after or sometimes even during the process of Reiki.
The chakra opens to universal energies and once it is unblocked you will feel the freedom of expressing your emotions without any discomfort or displeasure. By healing your chakra, you will not only heal your physical self which includes your reproductive system and other organs, you will also have cleared your emotional and sexual blockages.

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